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Is Shenhe WORTH Your Primogems...?
Is Shenhe worth pulling for in Genshin Impact 2.4?
IS SHENHE WORTH IT? Is Shenhe Good Enough and Should you summon for Shenhe? | Genshin Impact 2.4
is SHENHE WORTH pulling ? Genshin Guide
Is Shenhe Worth Pulling For? I Genshin Impact #Shorts
Why NO ONE Plays: Shenhe | Genshin Impact
Is Shenhe Worth The Pull?
Is SHENHE WORTH Going For OVER Other Characters!?? Genshin Impact
who should YOU roll on in 2.4 Genshin Impact shenhe? zhongli? xiao? or ganyu?
SHENHE IS WORTH PULLING FOR!?! The Complete Build Guide - Genshin Impact 2.4
IS SHENHE STILL WORTH IT IN 3.5? | Genshin Impact Review
Shenhe really Worth Pulling? Is she good at supporting elements other than Cryo? Shenhe Explained